
Luke is consistently a top-rated speaker at Web conferences and companies around the world.

How AI Ate My Website

How to rethink Website interactions using AI and large language models.

Mind the Gap

Despite good intentions, lots of user-centered design isn’t. Learn how to avoid common pitfalls that prevent good design.

Mobile Planet

A data-informed big picture view of our mobile planet, how to design products for it, covering onboarding, performance, touch gestures, and more.

Mobile In the Future

What we've learned over the past ten years of designing for the largest, most connected form of mass media on our planet.

Obvious Always Wins

A detailed look at the thinking, processes, and iterations that go on behind the scenes of an obvious design change.

Mobile to the Future

Adapt and optimize existing design solutions for mobile and rethink what's possible across all devices as well.

Mobile Design Now

As portable computers continue to take over, we need to think, design, and build digital experiences differently for today's mobile world.

Screen Time

A deep dive into what today’s world of multiple, simultaneous screens means for Web and interaction designers.

Multi-Device Web Design

From smartphones to tablets to everything in between, you only need one Web site design to thrive: a multi-device design. Find out how and why.

Mobile Input

A set of detailed best practices and new opportunities for collecting input (forms, media, etc.) on mobile devices.

Organizing Mobile Web Experiences

A whirlwind tour of best practices for organizing and laying out navigation menus for the mobile Web and beyond.

Designing for Touch

The principles of designing for touch and how our applications need to adapt to a world of direct manipulation.

First Person User Interfaces

The design challenges and opportunities of interfaces that allow people to interact with the real world as they are currently experiencing it.

Mobile First

More often than not, the mobile experience for a web application or site is designed and built after the PC version is complete. This talk outlines the key reasons this approach needs to be reversed. Now.

Rethinking Mobile Checkout

Simply porting over existing desktop checkout pages to mobile isn't enough. Instead let's rethink e-commerce checkout for mobile.

Mobile Web Design Moves

Mobile dances to a different beat. Learn how to transition what you know about designing for the Web to Mobile and pick up a bunch of new moves along the way that’ll help you rock the mobile Web.

Sign Up Forms Must Die!

Too often the first step in using a Web application is filling in a Sign Up form. This short talk outlines three alternatives that get people started in more engaging ways.

Input: Moving Beyond Forms

An overview of how Web applications can collect input, through both mobile devices and desktop software, without forcing people to complete a lengthy sequential forms.

The Impact of Social Models

An overview of the different ways social relationships are modeled in online software and they effect online behavior.

Designing for Today's Web 2010

Through smartphones, connected devices, and social Web services the Web in 2010 is increasingly everywhere and aware of who you are and who you know. What's impact of this transition on Web application design?

Product Excellence Principles

What defines great products and what organizations can do to deliver product excellence.

Influencing Strategy by Design

This course empowers designers by giving them tools to impact strategy by illuminating important decision-drivers like market or user research, web analytics, financials, and product reports.

Modern Web Form Design

Web form design best practices illustrated through a redesign of a typical form's primary path to completion, label alignment, primary & secondary actions, organization, error messaging, inline validation, and more.

Web Form Design in Action

The latest applications of rich Web form interactions including: dynamic help systems, inline validation, input masks, and more.

Parti & The Design Sandwich

A structure to enable interaction designers to move toward a holistic product design in the face of many stakeholders, cross-functional groups, and diverse audiences.

Designing for Today's Web

The impact of search, social applications, rich interactions, and participatory culture on designers.

Visual Communication for the Web

The importance of utilizing visual organization to communicate central messages, guide actions, and present information on the Web.

Web Form Design Best Practices

The importance of Web forms and a series of design best practices culled from live to site analytics, usability testing, eye-tracking studies, and best practice surveys.

Content page design best practices

How content pages can be better optimized for the Web ecosystem.

Web Application Page Hierarchy

The importance of visual hierarchy, visual principles for developing effective hierarchies, and utilizing applications of visual hierarchy to communicate central messages, guide actions, and present information.

Filching Design: When the Shoe Fits

A discussion of the motivations, benefits, and drawbacks of reusing code or design elements (interactions, layouts, colors, etc.) found online.

The Business Value of Design

A discussion about the many considerations behind creating business value through design.

The Shifting Role of Design

An overview of why design skills, methodologies, and deliverables have increasing value for companies in today's global, networked economy.

Get Unstuck

Ways to keep teams from getting stuck in process, project, and people muck.

Usability 2.0

Usability 2.0

Design considerations that arise out of recent shifts on the Web and their impact on usability processes, metrics, and team

Design Patterns: Defining and Sharing Web Interface Design Languages

How to put design patterns to use within Web application design.

Social Web Application Design

Interaction design for socially mediated and participatory information systems.

Dogma Free Design

A discussion about the role of design within an industry traditionally dominated by engineering and business processes and constraints.

Web Application Solutions: A Designer’s Guide

An evaluation of some of the most popular Web application presentation layer solutions available today