As we head into 2011, and leave a full year of Data Mondays behind us, here's the sets of data from 2010 I found most interesting.
Smartphones vs. Feature Phones
Smartphones make up a small percentage of the World's four billion cell phones but they differ drastically in their use. How drastically?
iPhone's Disproportionate Share
Though Apple's iPhone has a small share of the mobile phone market, it maintains a shocking large share of usage and profits.
Input Matters on Mobile
Web forms make or break the most crucial online interactions: checkout (commerce), communication & registration (social), data input (productivity), and any task requiring information entry. These activities are taking off in a big way on mobile. So getting input on mobile devices matters more each day.
Fastest Growing Devices & Apps
Just how fast are people adopting new devices and applications?
Online Video Characteristics
As online video continues to grow, it's interesting to see how people are consuming and accessing this medium.
Looking forward to sharing more sets of data in the coming year.