Mobile internet adoption has outpaced desktop internet adoption by eight times. Here's some of the latest statistics driving that progression.
- Nokia's Ovi Store is seeing more than 1 million downloads a day on handsets around the world - or roughly 30 million per month. (source)
- Apple's App Store now has over 140,000 apps and users have downloaded apps over 3 billion times to date. (source)
- Apple's App Store serves more than ten times the amount of apps per month as the Ovi Store on just 75 million devices total. Nokia in the fourth quarter of 2009 alone shipped 126.9 million devices! (source)
- AT&T’s had 85.1 million wireless subscribers at the end of 2009. Verizon ended the year with 87.5 million wireless subscribers. (source)
- During the fourth quarter of 2009, the number of wireless eReaders connected to AT&T’s wireless network increased by more than 1 million. (source)
- Forrester predicts that 10 million e-readers will be sold in the coming year. The firm estimated that 3 million eReaders were sold in 2009. (source)
- In 2009, the United Kingdom averaged 265 million text messages and 1.6 million picture messages per day. 2009’s text message total was 96.8 billion. (source)
- Some 740 billion text messages were sent in the first half of 2009 in the United States. That breaks down that astonishing figure to 4.1 billion texts per day. (source)