On October 11th I’ll be presenting a full day seminar at the User Interface 11 Conference in Cambridge, MA. The folks at User Interface Engineering have (of course) put together a great program that covers User Experience Design from Ajax to Usability. If you’re interested in attending, drop me a note and I’ll send you a conference discount code that not only saves you money on registration but gets you a free iPod nano as well.
My full day seminar is titled Site Seeing: Communicating Successfully with Visual Design
“Your site's visual presentation has a much greater impact than just making your site "pretty." It helps to organize information for your users, provides an emotional impact, and directs your audience to the important elements they’ll use to achieve their goals. Through a series of presentations, interactive discussions, and hands-on exercises, Luke will teach you the core visual design principles that will help your site succeed. If you want the opportunity to look at your site's visual design from a completely new perspective, this seminar is the perfect choice.”
I’m also presenting a 90-minute talk titled Strategy with Design: Using Design to Articulate and Define Strategic Direction
“The same communication skills that enable designers to create effective visual and interaction designs for products can also play a significant role in the development of business strategy. Unlike the equations, spreadsheets, and bullet points commonly used to express strategic direction, designers can envision and articulate a strategy through words, pictures, and motion in a way that everyone can understand.
In this talk, Luke will discuss how to use the principles behind visual design and narrative to create design artifacts that define and communicate strategic direction to individuals, teams, and entire organizations. In particular we’ll look at how artifacts are able to create buy-in for a product vision, provide market context, and illuminate data, processes, goals, and the impact of decisions.”
Hope to see some of you there.