Thoughts from Web 2.0

by August 12, 2005

There’s lots of thoughts abound from Tuesday’s Are You Ready for Web 2.0? BAYCHI panel. First, my notes:

Stewart Butterfield, Flickr/Yahoo!

Web 1.0 allowed us to point to anything as long as it was a document. Web 2.0 enables us to use http to address little bits of information or to call commands- essentially creating lots of public APIs. This amounts to an “architecture of participation” based on user activity, which can be remixed with content or activities found elsewhere online.

David Sifry, Technorati

As we move toward Web 2.0 we are entering a “participant economy” where users can create applications and content. This is evident in the rising numbers of Web logs:

  • There are currently 15 million Web logs and the number has been doubling every 15 months
  • 13% of blogs update weekly
  • 80,000 new blogs are created daily
  • 55% of bloggers are still posting after three months
In this participant economy full of information, time is the only scarce resource.

Paul Rademacher, HousingMaps

Google Maps and Craig’s List were well suited to be integrated. Craig’s List content is simple, dynamic, and structured. Google Maps is a robust data service and rich user interface.

Thomas Vander Wal,

Web 1.0 was focused on the content provider, one device, and one type of use: findability was key. Web 2.0 enables content and activities to “come to me” and re-findability becomes more important than findability. As a result, navigation is replaced by attraction.

Thoughts from others

Peter Merholtz: Web 2.0 - It's not about the technology Web 2.0 is primarily interesting from a philosophical standpoint. It's about relinquishing control, it's about openness, it's about trust and authenticity.

Bill Scott: The Come To Me Web Pulling the thoughts together, Web 2.0 is the Web on Demand. Across all of the medias the move is for deep personalization of content.

Johnathan Bouetelle: Web 2.0: Not-for-profit? Everyone on the panel emphasized that openness was very important, that remixing was key to the web. But what came through was that companies like technorati and flickr are very happy to let you leverage their APIs …as long as you don’t make any money.

Rashmi Sinha: Web 2.0: Data, Metadata and Interface One key takeaway from the Web 2.0 panel was that data, interface and metadata no longer need to go hand in hand.