From the number of smartphone users in the United States to native mobile app use, the fifty percent line is approaching or already crossed. Here's a few interesting examples:
- 46% of U.S. adults use smartphones as of February 2012. This means smartphone owners now outnumber those with basic mobile devices. (source)
- 48% of Americans (according to another source) and 66% of Americans 24-34 year olds owned a smartphone January. (source)
- 47.6% of mobile Internet customers use native mobile apps and 47.5% use the Web browser on their devices. This is the first time (in ComScore data) that native apps have had more use than the browser. (source)
- 50% of the World's second largest (Facebook) Web site's total audience (845 million) uses the service on mobile devices (425 million). More people access Facebook on the mobile web than from all their native mobile apps combined. (source)
- 49% of smartphone and tablet owners are using native apps to find local information. (source)
- 46% of holiday shoppers used a mobile device before buying offline. (source)
- The number of Internet companies with more (over 50%) of their traffic on mobile continues to grow.