Eric Meyer's A Site Redesign Part 2 presentation at An Event Apart in Seattle discussed some of lessons he learned while coding the new An Event Apart Web site. While Eric got into a lot of technical details, I captured some of his higher level points.
- Browsers are becoming more consistent in how they render borders.
- In HTML 5, you can wrap headers inside of links but there was a TC/IP bug in Firefox involving packet boundaries so Eric had to revert to using spans instead of headers inside of links.
- Microformats markup creates some accessibility challenges.
- Presentation never trumps semantics (well, hardly ever).
- Markup order still matters.
- HTML5 allows interesting new patterns but there are still limitations
- Javascript can enhance but there is a line not to cross.
- CSS variables will greatly improve coding options
- Image replacement is valuable
- IE fixes are still needed but dwindling