Last week I had the pleasure of enjoying dinner with several facilitators of the upcoming VizThink 08 conference in San Francisco, CA. In attendance were:
- David Sibbet: president of The Grove Consultants and one of the founding fathers of graphic facilitation: “the practice of using pictorial and graphical elements as an integral component in various working and educational processes; as an aid in thinking, discussing, learning, planning, and problem solving.”
- Nancy Duarte & Dan Post from Duarte Design: the firm behind keynote presentations for Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth, Mozilla, Kliener Perkins, and more.
- Bob Horn author of Visual Language: Global Communication for the 21st Century and a visiting scholar at Stanford University
- Stephen Few author of Information Dashboard Design: The Effective Visual Communication of Data.
- Christine Martell developer of VisualsSpeak: visual communication tools designed to help professionals enhance their communication processes.
- Kevin Cheng: cofounder of OK/Cancel and designer for Brickhouse, Yahoo!'s internal incubator.
- Rodolfo Carpintier: owner of Digital Assets Deployment
- Tom Crawford: CEO of VizThink
Quite an amazing line-up of people and they represent only a portion of the visual thinkers facilitating sessions at VizThink 08. Others include Scott McCloud, Cliff Atkinson, Nigel Holmes, and many more.
If you are interested in visual thinking and communication, VizThink is shaping up to be an incredible event. Feel free to use my discount code “ACLW1” for a substantial savings on the conference price.