The last time I published an update on Facebook's usage and growth, the site had 300 million members. That was in November 2009. Last month Facebook topped 500 million members. So time for another look...
- 500 million people all around the world are actively using Facebook. (source)
- 50% of active users log on to Facebook in any given day. (source)
- People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook. (source)
- Average user creates 90 pieces of content on Facebook each month. More than 30 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) are shared each month. (source)
- Americans spend nearly a quarter of their time online on social networking sites and blogs, up from 15.8 percent just a year ago (43 percent increase). (source)
- There are more than 150 million active users currently accessing Facebook through their mobile devices. (source)
- In a survey of mobile web users, there is a double-digit (28 percent) rise in the prevalence of social networking behavior, but the dominance of email activity on mobile devices continues with an increase from 37.4 percent to 41.6 percent of U.S. mobile Internet time. (source)
- Facebook Mobile is the most downloaded mobile app by users with Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, iOS and Symbian powered devices. (source)
- The United States alone accounts for almost 24% of Facebook’s users. (source)
- The United States has 4.6 times as many Facebook users as the second-largest country on Facebook, the United Kingdom. (source)
- The top 10 countries on Facebook account for almost 58% of its users. (source)
- 65 million Facebook users are liking things on a daily basis through Facebook. (source)
- If a user comes on more than once and is willing to give Facebook a very basic piece of information – their gender – that seems to be the strongest predictor of whether they will stay on the site. (source)